Futurist HR and Technology expert, Jacquelyn Smith talks about Recruiting Trends and the Future of Work. What are some of the things we can look forward to in 2020? Will we see a lot of negativity in the workforce by then or will things have improved? Will we be able to use self driven cars and drone medicine delivery?

with the new ir 4.0 jobs will be lost but new jobs will be created, we have to train people to get well skills in order to get that job. People are going to have to be well trained for these new jobs and we need to change with the times or be left behind

Some researchers believe that the comprehensive nature and scale of physical, digital and biological world changes coming together will be transformational. Most government jobs are structured around national rules, taxes and social security. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is disrupting the way we think about national identity and what it means to be "of" a place rather than from somewhere. It is inevitable that ethical questions, similar to the debates around the use of atomic energy and genetic research, will arise as this connected super-intelligent world evolves. New guidelines may need to be developed in order reflect these issues appropriately.
